Is there a problem with firing a signal to the server every .5 seconds?

In my game there’s a 40 player limit, so every .5 seconds if they have a weapon equipped, those clients tell the server where their mouse is. This can potentially ring up to about 80 signals to the server per second (if all of the players have weapons equipped) is this going to be bad for server performance? I can’t go any higher than .5 seconds. If anyone has other suggestions I’d love to entertain them.

Unless you constantly need to know where their mouse is for some odd reason, you can just send the position of the mouse to the server when they click to do an action that requires the mouse. If they need to do an action which requires the server to know the location of the mouse constantly, you can probably get away with updating it like this for as long as that action is running.

I don’t see a need for always updating the mouse to the server while their weapon is equipped, though. Addressing the question of performance, it’ll only be an issue if your mouse update function on the server is also expensive.

it sends mouse.Hit.p for now, not the CFrame, just the Vector3