Is there a script I can use in the command bar to delete something based on color?

Hello so I am woking on an aquarium showcase pretty cool yeah so I made a huge mistake by placing lines everywhere and they are all yellow is there a script that i can put in the command bar to delete them all?

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You can simply loop through the entirety of workspace:GetDescendants(), meaning everything parented under workspace even children of children, check if its BrickColor is the color you want, or check Color3 if you’re using that, and if so, :Destroy() it.

for i, v in pairs(worksapce:GetDescendants()) do --v is the current object
    if v.BrickColor =="Bright yellow") then --check if the current object is colored "Bright yellow"
        v:Destroy() --destroy that object if so

Writing such code in the command bar might be confusing since it’s all in one line.


it did not work


You may be trying to index BrickColor on an Instance that isn’t a BasePart which will result in an error.

To fix this, use the IsA method to check it’s class:

for _, Child in pairs(worksapce:GetDescendants()) do
    if (Child:IsA("BasePart") and Child.BrickColor =="Bright yellow")) then
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i think it may be the issue is its not in pairs