I’m aware of the workarounds using mesh parts but just… why? I’m genuinely curious to why wedges and regular cubes stretch but not spheres and cylinders, just because they didn’t feel like stretching? If a mesh part is holding the same exact mesh file as the built-in shapes, then how come one can stretch and the other cant, it makes no sense.
I understand that people who don’t perfectly scale their cylinder hitboxes like me could be affected by this, but it wouldn’t be too hard to just let players choose if they wanted their cylinders to stretch to the size of their selection box or for the selection box to shrink to the size of the cylinder… would it? Just seems like a really dumb engine behavior considering we’re already limited to 4 built in shapes unless we want to get mesh objects involved which are more complicated and less polished than built in shapes.
Besides the painfully apparent issues with this is there any underlying reasons this can’t be implemented or is this just not high on Roblox’s agenda…?
Because a constant sphere that you can’t stretch has more uses than a sphere that you can stretch.
The sphere Roblox has right now is not even a true sphere, it’s a bit oddly shaped but close enough, and it meshes correctly with cylinders at 90 degree angles, so that’s pretty much all that’s needed on Roblox. Anything besides that should (and is) done in blender or some other 3D modeling software.
The only real use for a stretched sphere I can think of right now would probably be for a solid modeled bullet, although, again, something like that should be modeled in blender.
If the spheres we have could be stretched it would cause more problems for newer builders who wouldn’t know why their connection from a cylinder to a sphere has a visible edge even though that’s happening because the sphere is sized 0.996,0.999,0.998 and they hadn’t noticed that.
tl;dr- if you need a stretched sphere, use a mesh. for everything else, it’s way easier to use the Roblox sphere.
Ah well, it’s just inconvenient to me as I’ve found myself many times wishing that the cylinders and spheres were stretchable. Your reply shows/brings up some valid reasons though so I wont bother. Although I do disagree that a nonscaleable object has more uses than a scaleable one.
Do you know any cylinder/sphere meshes/meshids I could use if roblox wont let me stretch them?
Just think about how nice it would be if I could have a rounded off cylinder that still has a reasonably flat top and bottom. :pain:
If you need any object like that, I highly suggest you download blender and make such objects yourself, its really easy and you don’t have to spend time looking for a specific mesh in the toolbox when you need one.
That being said, here are some mesh parts I found that should suit your needs more or less.
P.S it’s also advised to use shapes you import yourself instead of ones found on the toolbox.
If you use a sphere 100 times and the creator deletes the mesh ID, you need to redo everything. Through going through the Blender route, you can also configure the level of detail the shapes have depending on what you need them for.
If you want to go that route, you can ungroup the model I sent you, and right click one of the objects in the explorer and click “export this object” or something along those lines
do that for all 3 objects, and then you can drag all the .obj files into the asset manager and upload them.
Also, download blender and lookup donut tutorial on youtube, that will help you get started in blender, it will immensely help you in building.
(And you can mark the posts as solutions if they answered your question )
I’ve tried blender! I just don’t like it as it makes me feel like depth perception is something that comes with the premium edition of it! I’ve tried but it just really doesn’t seem like my thing so i try to avoid it. I already marked one of your posts as the solution but the mesh files do seem a bit more helpful…
A workaround I’ve discovered is to first select the ball or cylinder in the explorer window, then go to the MODEL tab and choose “Union.” After that, you’ll be able to stretch it in any desired manner.