I’m trying to make this UI that tweens from the right of an invisible frame that has a UIListLayout inside of it, but I can’t move the frame at all because the positions are overrided by the UIListLayout (see below)
Is there a way it can only override the Y axis so I can move the frame on the X axis?
Do you have pictures of your UI (both its Explorer layout as well as what it looks like inside Studio) and what you’re intending to achieve? You may have to rework how your UI is laid out, but I’m not going to be able to help without some extra information.
Here’s what the explorer looks like, I have a temporary fade tween for the notifications when they get cloned and parented:
Since tweens don’t play in places like ReplicatedStorage, I was hoping I could tween the position of the notification frame right when it gets parented to the Notifications frame
UIListLayout doesn’t support tweening things like a stack of notifications. In this specific case, you have two options:
Hacking something together with UIPageLayout. UIPageLayout has tweening options you can use, but may not be powerful enough for what you desire, as you mentioned you wanted to make tweens on the X-axis while keeping the list format on the Y-axis. This would only allow you to flip “pages” on one axis. For example, you could emulate something like the factory paint selector in older Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo titles.
Writing a custom list-style handler. You will have to keep track of what notifications are “alive” in your script and modify their positions yourself. This gives you the most control over presentation, but again, requires manually writing something.