Is there a way for a button to take a picture if pressed?

So I want to know if there is a way for the game to take a picture when a GUI is pressed.

The issue is I am not that skilled yet and also I do not really know the function and stuff for it.

So far I tried to make the screenie thing to work when the button is pressed but that did not work out.

Thanks for reading my name is Peter and if it’s not allowed in Roblox please tell me.

I don’t know how the core scripts do it (the screenshot), but currently, developers don’t have access to the API for that. The closest you can do is use ViewportFrames to create a “fake” picture, but that would be extremely tedious. I mean what if you have a lot of things in your scenery? We’d need to clone all that within the picture and put it in a ViewportFrame, and that can get laggy!

For a while, I’d always wanted to create a feature request about this, but I just didn’t know how useful it would be beyond using a camera take a picture. Now that you’ve asked this, I can see that this is a pretty needed feature.