Hi, im making a Melee Module Script for a Randomizer game. im halfway done but i hit a dead end due to me just being a new scripter (started 4-6 months ago),
i dont know how to explain my problem through words so i just drew it instead
its like Raycast Hitbox System’s “OnHit” but im terribly bad at “metatables”,“OOP” or some whatever magic the creator of that module script did
OnHit is a signal, if you want something similar just use a bindable event or signal module.
Here I provide a comparison of 4 different Signal class implementations, which each have various advantages and disadvantages, as well as presenting what I think is the optimal Signal class implementation to use going forwards.
TL;DR: Use this GoodSignal implementation (CODE LINK) unless you have a good reason not to!
Below I provide links to a Github gist of the code for each implementation, but if you want to download the full code for all of them + Unit Tests + Benchmark code you can get a …
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November 17, 2023, 12:44pm
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