Is there a way I can replace the default ProximityPrompt with another billboard gui?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Replacing the default with a new one to make it custom.

  2. What is the issue? Tutorial Not working

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? I have tried the youtube video CyberCreator on custom proximity prompts but I dont understand it because it does not work for me.


I think it’s a proprety inside the ProximityPrompt and you can set it to Custom


Yes. Try using this: https:/

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There are many many tutorials on youtube that explain this in very detail but if you want to make this yourself.

I learned how to do it with this one:

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Hiya, thank you for your response, that is the video I tried and it didnt work thank you anyway.

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I tried that as well and it didnt work as well when I read the instructions.

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Maybe try it again? It worked perfectly fine when I used it.

Thanks, Ill try again, is there also a way for it to be in workspace or something I dont know.

Make sure to follow the instructions in the readme thats included with the module. It gives a step by step description of what you need to do.

Thank you, I meant like changing the whole frame to a image label so its not a frame anymore what part do I have to change?