I’m trying to upload a chainlink fence texture (PBR) but the texture is formatted as a PBR, so I cant just use a texture instance, but it seems there isnt a way to use opacity with PBR textured parts and theres nowhere to upload an opacity map? Am I missing something or is transparency not an option for PBR parts?
If you want to have partially transparent PBR textures, you will have to use the AlphaMode property on the SurfaceAppearance.
Does the opacity have to be baked into the color map somehow, the place where I got the texture im attempting to use have opacity as a seperate image.
Yes, it does have to be in the color map. I haven’t done much with PBR textures, but I don’t think it would be too hard to edit the color map to be transparent at the places you want.
i most likely could cut it out of the texture by magic wanding the opacity layer after overlaying it over the texture
Yup, I went into paint.net & used the magic wand to select all the areas I wanted to cut out of the image then just erased over it and it only removed the parts where I had the overlay, thanks, although it’s probably a bit more complicated than that if I wanna do images with transparencies different from 0 or 255
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