Is there a way to apply part of a shirt onto arms?

Not sure how to explain this exactly but something where i can get the players current shirt and put the shirts arms images(?) onto another part or something

i think you can but only on mesh you made but you should make the mesh as arms unwrap in blinder or get a roblox arm and use it.
to get the shirt :
local shirt =
(or any way to detect the player)

how would i get a normal arm?, every time i try to copy the arm it just turns blocky

try to use block rig? i tried to copy it and i hadn’t any problem

kinda like copying only the arm, it doesnt work for me just turns it blocky without any of the clothing

You can basically use any viewmodel with arms as long as it’s called LeftArm and RightArm, it doesn’t need to be a perfect copy.

true, althought i was trying to get it to have the player’s shirt on the arms to make it look better

I meant that you can basically use anything as a body part as long as it’s configured correctly, which means you can apply clothing to these parts.

but is there a way just to get like a players arm, copy it and place it somewhere in the map, nowhere under the players character? because whenever i try to copy the arm and paste it into workspace it turns blocky and no longer looks like a arm

You require a Humanoid aside the arm (parent-wise not position related). If there is no humanoid in the same location as the arm it would just look blocky.


Without Humanoid:

hey sorry for the bump but I had a similar issue and I just thought I’d say how you add a shirt to parts incase anyone else has a similar issue.

So basically, you need to create a part and name it “Right Arm”(this is if your arms are r6, if it’s r15 then you need to do LowerRightArm, UpperRightArm, RightHand, etc.)

Next, insert that part into a model and add a humanoid inside of that model and set the rigtype to your hand’s type(if your hand is r6 then set rigtype to r6, same with r15, just set the rigtype to r15.)

Now you’re arm should have some curves.

If it doesn’t, make sure your hierarchy is this for the model

Next, add a shirt into your model and set the ShirtTemplate property to your shirts texture id. Now your hand should look something like this

if it doesn’t, then just readd the shirt or move the part around a little, studio is sometimes a bit buggy. Same thing for the Left Arm.