Is there a way to change hover over button colour?

I want to find a way to customize the colour of a button when you hover over it. The colour is just a darker version of the button colour. Anyway to change that?


Move this over to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support. To do this, disable AutoButtonColor, than use MouseEnter events to change the background colour.


yea, just go into the image button, go to properties, and find (“Hover Image”) change the image to whatever you want the button to look like when its hovered over.

Thanks but this is a text button

does it have to be a text button?

I think I could change the button to an image button and add a text label over it, but Id still like to know a way around the problem

Have you attempted what I told you?

Yes, but it did not work. Is there another way?

put this inside the button

local Button = script.Parent

local Color = Color3.fromRGB(132, 132, 132) -- default color
local HoverColor = Color3.fromRGB(91, 142, 233) -- color when hovering

	Button.BackgroundColor3 = Color

	Button.BackgroundColor3 = HoverColor

Edit : Make sure it’s local script

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