Hello ,
I just want to ask questions is there a way to check all children without using for loops . Any help is appriciated . Also pls correct me if somethings wrong with my post
Would this be of any help?
Keep in mind that it returns a table
Out of curiosity, why do you not want to use a for loop, if you don’t mind me asking?
why do you not want to use a for loop
because I want to check all children inside my frame and check if the value inside them is nil or same then I want to change it back to nil but every children inside it return nil
I see… can I see your script?
sure but it looks very nasty…
No worries, just make sure to use the " ``` " before and after so it looks neat, and only include the part(s) that your referencing to. I’ll try to make sense of it
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local gui = script.Parent
local backpack = player.Backpack
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
gui.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()--fire when clicked
print("halo how are you")
if gui.CanDes.Value == false then--check Candes(value inside the gui)
gui.CanDes.Value = true--make it true
gui.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(75,75,75)--change color
if not backpack:FindFirstChild(gui.Name) or char:FindFirstChild(gui.Name) then--chech if backpack doesn't have a tool that its name is same as gui
game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Clone"):FireServer(gui.Name)--fire remote event
for i , child in pairs(player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("HotbarGui").Frame:GetChildren()) do--loop throuhg hotbar gui
if child:IsA("ImageButton") then--chech if child is image buttton
if child.ItemName.Value == "" then--check if value(inside child) == empty string
--game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdateVal:FireServer(child , gui)--fire server
child.ItemName.Value = gui.Name
child.Image = gui.Image
elseif child.ItemName.Value == child.ItemName.Value then
child.ItemName.Value = ""
gui.CanDes.Value = false
gui.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)--------------------dont mind this part
What would it look like ideally (the output, the gui, etc)?
What does this mean? I’m pretty confused about what your goal is.
Not really, no. That’s what loops are for. I think the real question you’re asking is different, but I don’t know what it is!
I agree, can you describe more in depth what the final product is intended to look like and how you want it to function?
You can probably set all values in a table like
local inventory = {}
inventory = stuff:GetChildren()
local item = table.find(inventory, **what you are looking for**)
local thing = inventory[item]
—Now do something with the ‘thing’ children that you wanted to specifically get
I guess this is what you were asking for?
Ok what I mean is I want to loop all children (hotbar)inside frame and check the ItemName(value inside the children) .If the value is an empty string then I want it to change to something . The problem rn is every value inside the children is changing the same value and I dont want that happend . I only want ONE
Value to change not all . You can see in the image above that show same image(sword) every image button .It shows that the value inside that image is equals to that sword name. Thats the problem…
Hope you understand
You would have to use a for loop for this, and you can make the loop stop once it found one that has an empty string:
for i,v in pairs(children) do
if v.ItemName.Value=="" then
--change something
break --stops the loop from running again
Ik that but before it even break all all empty string will change cuz the value start with empty string
I just want it change only one and not all of them
do this
for i,v in ipairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren) do
this is a basic use but sinceu didnt say what u want im just going to do this, also im 99% sure that you can check child without a for loop so yeah lol