Is there a way to check if a player is ID verified?

I came across something a few days ago while browsing the toolbox; I noticed some player models have an indicator next to the player’s name to let people know whether their account is ID verified.
I’m now wondering if there is an API for checking if a player is ID verified or not, I feel this would be incredibly useful for in-game moderation. Just to clarify, I’m trying to find out if the player has their age verified, not their email.

Also, the last post I made for this was under the development discussion category and it got taken down, hopefully I made this post under the right category this time.

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Unfortunately, at this moment in time, I don’t believe there is an API for us developers to access this information.

Roblox may roll this feature out, but also may not, due to it being more “private” information in which we developers shouldn’t need to access.

If they don’t want us to have access to this “private” information, then why do they give it to us when we use the Toolbox? I just don’t see the logic.

Roblox themselves have access to it, (because they are the host), but developers could abuse it, and send the information elsewhere, and make it problematic.

I understand, but what I’m saying is that Roblox is still technically giving us this information when we use the Toolbox. One could set up a web scraper that goes through millions of roblox assets to check if each developer is ID verified. See the problem?

The thing is, it would take a long time to make a bot to do that, and a normal person with age verification can’t be checked on the toolbox. Also, in a game instance, people can’t actually access the toolbox, so that’s also out of the box.

How do you even get ID verified?

Settings >> Account info, I believe.

the verified shield icon at the left of player’s name means that they have the badge where everyone loves they’re model or not harmful.

the badge is at Badges - Roblox
and it’s this one

To know if their age is verified is no, you can’t even you use other function like checking if the user’s voice chat is enabled then they’re age is verified, you can’t do that.

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I’m not asking about the official model maker badge, so that was unnecessary information. Also, VoiceChatService:IsVoiceEnabledForUserIdAsync() is currently implemented on the client and can be used, it’s just not available on the server right now. You can find out more about it here:

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Basically, the answer is no. You cannot check if anyone is age verified.

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Actually it might be possible. I know little about scripting, but I notice for non ID verified users, there is a warning in game whenever voice chat is enabled in the game settings. (In output)

Perhaps it is possible to detect this warning and if it occurs, then you know the player is not verified.

If it does not occur then you know that the player is ID verified.

Let me know if this is possible. I know the warning is spit out by a core script. So probably not.

But if there is a way to turn of voice chat while your ID verified (I don’t know if there is or not…) Then yeah. Not much you can do.

Well, technically, people who were given spatial voice in the first few waves didn’t have to verify their age. But I’m interested in this warning that’s being spat out, is it server sided or client sided? What does it look like?

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Well I’m on mobile right now so I can’t test it out. But if you have an account that isn’t ID verified. (Or you can just create an alt).
Open a new place (doesn’t matter what kind)

set the player count per server to less than 30

Go into game settings and enable voice chat.
Test in Roblox to see if it’s in the client or server in the output of dev console

I’m not 100% sure, but I think it might be local…

You can read more about possible ways to get voice chat eligiblity here. And the warning is at the bottom of the page.

(Yes you can turn of voice while your verified, so this is not a sure fire way to check if someone is verified)

EDIT: This is inaccurate. Please see the following:

The toolbox is written in Luau so you could always just insert the toolbox’s code and inspect it to check how it derives this information. Unfortunately it’s coded with Roact and I can’t really read through a Roact project because of how many things are involved but the endpoint is this:

I don’t know if the toolbox does anything further to this endpoint. The furthest I got through my digging is that the toolbox makes an HTTP GET request to this endpoint and returns the decoded JSON response to determine if a developer is verified or not.

Obviously this needs parameters but I can’t seem to find what they are or if there are any even needed for this endpoint. I’ve tried it on my current browser (I’m not ID verified) and it returns true anyway. It’s not documented because it’s not really intended for developer use.

Why exactly do you need to check a user’s verified status? How does it have any bearing on improving moderation in your experience?


Where did you find it? I don’t see it in the api docs

It would help if you read my post in full because I explained that already.

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I read it all but I didn’t really understand. Did you get it by reading the toolbox’s code?

I don’t see why checking if an user is ID verified would be useful since ROBLOX only allows content that is suitable for all ages. If you think your content is not suitable for all ages, refrain from using it as it could result in account moderation.