Is there a way to check other player playercount

I have this server list GUI for my community and im wondering if I can check these games player count and display them on the screen.

If the games are under the same universe you could set a datastore entry with the place id and the amount of players in game every minute and have your game request both keys and then you broadcast those values to the client.

Alternatively you can try sending a request to the ROBLOX API to get information on the game.!/Games/get_v1_games

I think you will need a proxy to send the request for you though.

What do you mean under the same universe??
I own the game but I dont understand what you mean

What do you mean under the same universe??
I own the game but I dont understand what you mean

So, universe, is basically the game, in the game, you can make PLACES, which are inside game, all places inside 1 game, share DataStoreService.

Alright ill look into it thanks

You could use the MessagingService to have servers send their player count to the server list place

how would that work? Links etc?

all about Messaging Service: MessagingService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


Try and have a look for yourself before asking more follow up questions.
MessagingService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub is the Developer Wiki page for the service.
Effectively you would have a script in your game places that sends data through the messaging service, and a script in your server list place that accepts it

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