Is there a way to circumvent or prevent this issue caused by shift lock?


I have spent the better part of the last 2 weeks trying to find a way to make a custom shift lock or find an already made custom shift lock. I have found a few and made a a few myself and they worked for a time. But as time goes on I start noticing issues. I can’t help thinking that no matter how much i struggle I won’t find a way to beat the default shift lock. So I’ve decided to try and address the reason I wanted one in the first place.

As you will see in this video my issue is pretty self explanatory. I’ve made a radial menu that relies on mouse movement to rotate the selector, however if you open the menu during shift lock not only will the selector not move but the camera will move with the mouse making the menu not very practical as a way of quickly selecting a spell mid combat. I resolved this with a custom shift lock, and while it fixes this issue sooner or later i discover movement issues caused by the custom shift lock.

Is there any way to get around this issue or should I keep wallowing in misery while I continue trying to find/create a functional custom shift lock?

This is a completely different issue.
Read question carefully before replying.

Have you considered using UserInputService:GetMouseDelta() to get mouse movements while the cursor is locked? It wouldn’t solve the issue completely, but it would at least allow the menu to be functional while in shift lock mode.

Quenty also has a shift lock module that may be of interest to you, I haven’t gotten around to messing with it but it might have all the functionality you need to temporarily disable shift lock while the radial menu is open.

If only I could understand it perhaps it does xD

So is all you need that your mouse can move freely when hovering over this GUI, even when locked with shiftlock?

Well the very simple answer is you can just put a transparent TextButton over top the GUI and set it’s Modal to true. Then your mouse will be able to move freely.

I am truly overcome with emotion. I could spend days thanking you. I spent two weeks struggling with this issue and trying to apply complex solutions but you just blew it out of the water with a darn text button. I am speechless and humbled by this brilliant solution that achieves all I’ve been trying to do with complex scripts and libraries made by programmers who’s skills vastly surpass my own.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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