I have some gfx meshes I try to clone into my game, for explosions for a mini game, to replace the standard basepart sphere, I was using, but I am running into issues, getting a network disconnected error that pops up now. This occurs on my Mac, but not the tablet or PC.
I’ve seen other games use gfx meshes effectively, in vidoes, like Dungeon Quest, but I haven’t played them yet.
I would say I’m trying to pull off maybe 20-50 explosions at the same time. They’re just mesh parts though, with one script creating a coroutine and loop using RunService.Heartbeat that CFrame the parts around on their ZAxis. For testing purposes, I could try cloning them in without the script that runs to spin them around and tweens the size up, and transparency to 1, but I just wanted to get this question out there - should this sort of error be expected?
Maybe I should have the meshes “pre-spawned” out of view and move them into position and replaced out of view, upon use, or just have 500 of them in place somewhere, and move them into position , and replace them slowly into the game.workspace.
Any other suggestions?
I removed the script and just had meshes cloned into the game.Workspace, and then used a Destroy on them after 5 seconds… still having issues with the network disconnecting. I had used Debris Service, as well - same problem.