Is there a way to combine multiple meshparts into 1 accessory?

I’ve made an accessory that is only meant to be worn in game, not uploaded, but the entire thing was 80k+ tri’s so I exported the parts separately and cannot figure out how to combine them together to where they share the same scale and positioning. I’ve already tried to weld all the parts to one and it doesn’t work, the welded parts just end up floating.


In blender, use decimate modifiers and learn to use PBR textures because 80k tris!? Wth…

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I know, I had decimated it to 10k previously and all that did was make the whole thing very low quality and the texture looked really blurry because of that

Then you need to fix now don’t you? 80k tris is extremely bad for performance as well. You need to use shade smoothing or auto smoothing as well as Decimate → Planar modifiers or else there is no solution to this.

(I mean there is but it’s useless as 80k tris is a lot and using that way would be annoying as it would still cause considerable lag.

u gotta fix the texture not up the tris…