Is there a way to contact a trusted roblox support member?

Since my account was falsely terminated, I contacted support within the same day. I got replied by some lazy worker or a bot, there was no investigation about the issue, I even got called a “group owner”, which is false.

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The group I “own”:

There isn’t a way to contact a specific person on the Roblox Customer Support team… Once you appeal, someone through the team is notified and they are going to return with your request.

However, you can re-appeal and sending extra informations that you are not the group owner or a superior member from others in the e-mail.

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I already sent a second appeal, but im afraid that it wont get reviewed. I would also like to know if there is a way to report a specific staff member for ignoring the request completely and copy and pasting the response.

Perhaps @Mod_Review_Requests may help you with the situation then. If I recall correctly, they are interconnected with the Roblox Customer Support team related to these situations.