Is there a way to detect Infinite Yield?

Hello, I would like to know how it is possible to detect if a player activates the Infinite Yield cheat, I have already seen something like this in several games, and I would love to know what ways to check it.


I’ve never heard of this “infinite yield cheat”. Can you elaborate on how it works?

it’s an exploit menu here’s an over exaggerated youtube thumbnails


it’s a very popular choice among various explioters because it has commands that are unique and some basic essential commands.

for example,

fly, vfly, fling, tpua,

and some visual effects that other clients can see like

spasm, throwhead or whatever it is called

if IY_LOADED and not _G.IY_DEBUG == true then
    -- error("Infinite Yield is already running!", 0)

pcall(function() getgenv().IY_LOADED = true end)

in a localscript, you can do something like a loop and detect if the loaded global is true and kick player on server. Yes, the exploiter can just delete the script. it’s better than nothing

getgenv is not an official function that is part of the Roblox Studio API. It is instead a popular function included in most script injector APIs; you cannot use it in your game to detect these debug flags from the injector software

I remember a forum post that could detect IY but I forgot what it was called. It detects the imageIds or something.

This is a Cheat that is used relatively a lot, but I understood that it is parented to CoreGui, but there are games that managed to block it.

I would love to hear any help on the matter.

I haven’t found any posts about this that have an answer that helps

Now you did.

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