Is there a way to detect that a player is speaking with voice chat? More spatial voice accessibility?

I’m trying to make a dynamic facial expression based on spatial voice system.
When a player is speaking, their character’s mouth will move and their facial expressions will change depending on the loudness of their voice.

I don’t think Roblox will add voice recognition soon so it couldn’t get more advance than that.

The problem is that I had no idea how to know that a player is currently speaking and get their voice loudness while they’re speaking.

To my knowledge, I think these features aren’t implemented yet but could these features will be added in the future?

Any help or some information will be appreciated!

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This is still the only functionality provided by the VoiceChatService.

No, you can only detect if the player has vc only.

There was a feature, PlayerMicActivitySignalChange, that would detect it, so my guess is when it is released this will be an event to detect it.