Is there a way to determine if a player owns a Private Server without them having to be in the private server?

Is there a way to determine if a player owns a private server for a game without them having to be in the server? Here is what I’ve tried:

game.PrivateServerOwnerId == player.UserId

This only works if the player is currently in the private server itself. My goal is to find if they simply OWN one, not if they are currently in it.


I am not sure what this does since there is nothing explaining it in the documentation. I assumed it meant “Has a private server subscription”, but it returns a 404 error every time.

Thanks in advanced!

i dont think there is a way to check if a player has a private server without the player been in a server, and that private servers are created and managed by players themselves

You’d have to get the player to join the server every 30 days to check if the subscription is still active. When the player joins, save the user id and date in a datastore and then you can check that datastore value to see if they have the subscription active. When checking the value, you should also check the timestamp it was last updated. if it is more than 30 days, tell them to join the private server again.

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