Is there a way to disable Roblox's toolbar without completely disabling it via CoreGui?

Is there a way to disable Roblox’s tool bar without making it invisible or completely unusable?

I tried to use a custom Tool Bar found from the DevForum to bypass this issue, however, I can’t find a property for me to use to disable it without completely breaking the Tool Bar.

In the video below, you can see that I use a script to set the inventory GUi to be disabled, however, you’ll still be able to use the other tools in your inventory despite that.

So far, I’ve tried to set the active property to be disabled, disabling script that loads the custom inventory, and disabling the Gui itself, none worked. Please let me know if there’s a solution to this. Thank you.

The script below is what I’m currently using.

plr.PlayerGui.Inventory.Enabled = false
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)

This will disable the inventory UI and the roblox functionality of it, I am using this and it works as intended.

When it comes to CoreGUI functions, I usually remake them myself so I have full controllability over them. Incase the solution above doesn’t work (which it’ll probably work, will be a significant flaw in roblox’s coregui design if it didn’t), why not use ContextActionService to disable & re-enable from there?

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Am I understanding this as you wanting to keep the backpack visible without allowing users to equip or unequip tools similar to those “battlegrounds” games? Can’t, have to make your own.

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Thank you! This worked. I was able to use the service with a bool value.

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