Is there a way to disable rthro packages for R6 games without removing other package options?

Hey everyone!
As you all know, I love Rthro. I think it’s super cute, quirky and fun to use; however, I have a dilemma. Roblox performs better for skill based games, such as obbies, in R6 and I want my game to require some of the harder techniques to make the game more challenging without having to make it artificially unfair. I’ve noticed that some of the RThro packages have smaller hitboxes / visible hitboxes which can make it easier, if smaller, or unfair, if invisible. (See figures 1 and 2)
Figure 1, the way that Rthro users see their R6 character
Figure 2, R15 Rthro example

Is there a way to disable RThro style packages as a collective, to make my life easier since we all know that more are to come and it would be too time consuming to prevent each one, while still allowing normal Roblox packages to be used?

If I didn’t state my question well enough I apologize. Thank you for all the responses in advance.

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Update: Its larger, invisible hitboxes. Nonetheless, its still a problem:

Before yall can ask, this is why I can’t do it in R15:

As a note aside from your thread, you can use R15 and still have functional ladders if you make the ladder itself canCollide = false and use an invisible truss over the climbable area.


I understand that, but I feel as if it will create an incorrect hitbox for it. Thank you for the comment, though!

If your game is R6 only you don’t need to worry about the size of character hitboxes. R6 characters all have the exact same hitbox and the meshes are only visual.

You can also change the collision type of R15 characters using the avatar collision options. If you switch to “Inner Box” collisions then all characters that are scaled to the same size will have the same hit boxes.