Is there a way to do find & replace keywords for all script instances?

Self-explanatory title, use case:

  • I want to replace deprecated connect in a large amount of scripts using it to Connect.
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It’s actually simple, just ctrl + shift + f, click the down arrow, choose the keyword you want to replace connect in this case, choose the word you want to replace with, and the replace all button.

Whoop, I just realized you said all scripts! Sorry

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I’m pretty sure he is talking about using ctrl + shift + f, not just ctrl + f in a single script.

In that case, there is not, but you could look at plugins who might be able to do that, or you could create your own plugin that goes through all the script sources and replace connect with Connect.

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This is only for one script, I need to replace it in all scripts possible.

I don’t think this is a feature so this might be a possible alternative using the command bar:

for _, v in ipairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
	if not v:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") then continue end
	v.Source = string.gsub(v.Source, "connect", "Connect")
	count += 1
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Maybe I will make a plugin for it, thanks for the idea.

EDIT: Sources are huge so there is a string length problem.

One exists apparently.

There also seems to be a way to do it by doing ctrl + shift + h