Just as the title says, is there a way to entirely stop a script dead in its tracks? I’ve been searching and searching for an answer but there doesn’t seem to be any solution.
Using BaseScript.Disabled
to true it will terminate the current thread and prevent the script from starting new threads until it’s set to false. Read more on it here.
Yes, the documentation might say that but in reality it does not terminate the thread, it continues it until all the code has been run. I’ve tried.
Can you give your use case? Most of the time you can use a simple if statement instead. Disabling scripts isn’t really needed during runtime.
local disabled = true --boolean
if not disabled then
--run code
You can use
in loops and they would stop, you could combine it like this for disabling both loop, script
local stopMyLoop = false
for gametime=10,0,-1 do
if gametime == 5 then stopMyLoop = true end
if stopMyLoop == true then script.Disabled = true; break end
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
while workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable do
for i=1,#workspace.IntroCamParts:GetChildren(),2 do
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local ti = TweenInfo.new(10,Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0)
cam.CFrame = workspace.IntroCamParts["Part"..i].CFrame
local tween = ts:Create(cam,ti,{CFrame = workspace:WaitForChild("IntroCamParts"):WaitForChild("Part"..tostring(i+1)).CFrame})
In another script the camera should be set to Custom when a button is clicked but if that happens the script will continue the tween the amount of times it has been given. I don’t want this, so i need a solution that’ll instantly just stop it. (also sorry if the code is a bit sloppy/bad, i’m a beginner.)
btw, trying ur solution right now steven.
This worked for my case, thanks!
To close out of the main scope, you can also just use return
. For example, in that case, replacing break
with return
would cause the script to completely stop even if you added something after the loop. Example:
local x = 3
do return end
print(x) --> nothing prints