Is there a way to fetch all users with a verified badge?

I’m looking for a way to fetch all users with a verified badge on the platform. I know that I can try brute forcing by looping through all players in important groups(such as star creators, admins, dev forum group, etc) and checking for the badge manually, however I’m looking for an actual solution if it exists.

The “actual solution” I’m looking for doesn’t need to be some sort of API or quick solution. But a way that leaves out no exclusions, meaning that the final result will be a list of all the verified users, even if some of them don’t belong in the groups mentioned above.

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Hello there! I recently made a game about checking if a user has the badge and if so adds to a counter in the server.

Here is the code I used:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local text = script.Parent

local x = 0

	if player.HasVerifiedBadge then
		x = x + 1
		text.Text = ("There Are "..x.." Verified Players!")
		text.Text = ("There Are "..x.." Verified Players!")

	if player.HasVerifiedBadge then
		x = x - 1
		text.Text = ("There Are "..x.." Verified Players!")
		text.Text = ("There Are "..x.." Verified Players!")

If you have the verified badge and wish to the join here is the link.
(2) Flex Your Verified Status! - Roblox

I want verified users to join lol.

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I’m looking for a method that works for not in-game players. Basically a piece of code that when ran, performs some API checks and finds all the users with a verified badge on the Roblox website.

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Can I ask, whats the point of the tonumber functions? They don’t set the values, nor do they change anything in combining it with the strings.

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TBH, I assume that they are just used to another language. Their code could definitely be reduced by removing the tostring() and tonumber() (also, Metroid. tonumber(x) returns a value, instead of replacing x with the new value, so you would need to do x = tonumber(x))

AFAIK, there is no way to get all verified users without doing a brute force method


I ended up trying to use bruteforcing to find all verified users. The process I followed was the following:

  1. Fetch all user ids and their verified status from the following groups: 1200769(Official group of Roblox), 4199740(Roblox video stars), 10720185(Roblox developer community), 3514227(Roblox devforum community), 650266(Trade)
  2. For each one of the verified users found fetch their friendlist and remove the ids whos verified status is already known, then fetch the rest of the user ids information to get the verified ones.
  1. Repeat step two recursively until no more verified users are returned(initiated by a verified id whos friends haven’t been fetched yet).

As of writing this, the first step returned 675 verified users(from the groups alone), then the second step had to be repeated 5 times until no more verified users where found. The second step found a total of 567 more verified users. Those users are basically the ones that where not in the groups mentioned above, but where connected to the ones in the groups through at least one “friend path” of verified users.

Afterwards I manually added the Roblox and builderman accounts to the list, since both of them are not in the groups and also have 0 friends, so they were undetectable from the bruteforcing method used.

The current list I was able to create has a total of 1244 different verified user ids, separated by comma(, not , ) and sorted in an ascending order:
verified.txt (11.6 KB)

Possible ways to perform a better scan/bruteforce:

  1. Fetch top groups of the platform and also check the group holder and admin/developer ids of each one.
  2. Use ids of forum groups such as developer relations that may not be in the Roblox admin group or have verified friends.

I decided to create a bulletin board topic where I will post updated versions of the list:

Currently the list there has a total of 1430 verified account user ids(186 more than the one above) and I also provided a list of usernames.