You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
I’d like to know if it’s possible, and/or easy, to have a humanoid not fix its orientation when you rotate it?
I thought about permanently making the player sit, and rotate you during that, but if you press space even once (even if jumppower/height = 0) you get unsat, so that’s a no-go. The only other way I can think of is making your own player controller, but that seems like too much of a hassle just to flip upside down.
I was trying CFrames with the jetpack this morning but I couldn’t get much rotation out of it because the Humanoid doesn’t like being flipped over and tries to right itself (Which is why I ended up making this.) As I’m writing this I’m testing what hkep said regarding the motor6Ds.
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local rootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
humanoid.AutoRotate = false
humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(function(_, newState)
if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.GettingUp then
I tested your method and it didn’t seem to work (as shown in the first video) (The script was placed in StarterCharacterScripts as that’s where I assumed it to be.)
More-over, hkep’s method did work, so I’m going to mark it as solved. (Seen in the second video.)