Is there a way to get a list of players who own a badge?

One of my games has a badge that’s pretty difficult to obtain, yet several people have managed to do it. Is there a way to get a list of everyone who owns said badge?

I know you can use UserHasBadgeAsync if players are currently in the game, but is it even possible to get a complete list of owners?


If you are that desperate to figure out who owns the badge, then you could create a new DataStore for it. Whenever a player joins the game, check if they already own the badge. If they do, add them to the DataStore. If someone new gets the badge, then just add them to the DataStore. This might not be the most accurate, as some people who got the badge might not join your game again, but i’m pretty sure it’s the closest you can get to it.


Based on my knowledge of the roblox web api, I do not believe there is a way to get a list of users who own a badge.