Is There A Way To Get Copied Clothing Taken Down?

Innovation Security (and many other groups) face the issue with cloths being stolen A LOT (ex: Catalog - Roblox). However, we don’t have a good way to hit report abuse to get the copied assets taken down. Is there anything we can do to get bulk amounts of these taken down (ex:

For example, we don’t want 1,500+ people wearing a copied uniform that was only for sold for a limited period of time.

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I’ve been fighting to get something done with copied clothing for like 4 years and I’ve pretty much given up at this point.

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The problem with shirts and pants is that it’s very hard to prove that you are the original owner in the first place, since they are so easy to copy perfectly and the fact that the original creator may have uploaded it years ago (they can’t review all clothing to ensure you are the original creator).

Hopefully the UGC update in the near future will solve the copying issue.

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