Is there a way to get the amount of members a group has?

I’m aware of what can be done with GroupService, but it seems like you cannot get the amount of players that are in the group, and display that, via code.

Is there a way that this can be done?

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I don’t know, but there’s something where you can get asset info (believe it is MarketplaceService) or you can use a proxy service to get the description of the group page to get the members. Or you can use that proxy service to directly tap into the API.

You can use a proxy and this api to achieve this.

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local GROUP_ID = 1

local baseURL = ''
local URL = baseURL:format(GROUP_ID)

local success, result = pcall(function()
	return HttpService:GetAsync(URL)

if not success then
	local memberCount = HttpService:JSONDecode(result).memberCount

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