Is there a way to gift gamepasses from a game you own?

With the power of determination and motivation, I have been looking everywhere to see if this is possible and if there is a way to do this.

Is there some way I can gift gamepasses from my own game?

In other words, let’s say I made a “VIP” Gamepass in my game. It costs Robux of course, but I want to know if there’s a way to gift certain people my game’s Gamepass (like my friends for example) without them having to purchase it. Is there a way I could do this, like with using Cmdr or HD Admin or something else?

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No, but you could store an array of player’s UserIds of which the same rewards that would be granted to gamepass purchasers could be granted to them as well.


There’s no way of “gifting” a gamepass, however for the rewards you can set up an if statement such as this:

if player.Name == "susan" or player.UserId == "029389183" then

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Technically you can change the way you check if a gamepass is owned(for example save all the gamepasses owned inside a datastore), that way you can give people gamepasses by adding/removing them from their datastore. Gifting gamepasses isn’t possible(unless the gamepasses become free for a short amount of time and then purchased by the user) but you can replicate the gamepasses rewards instead and make the game “think” that the user owns a specific gamepass.