Is there a way to hardware ban someone from a game?

Title says it all, I’m curious if there is a way to hardware ban someone from a game. It can’t be IP since that breaks COPPA and Roblox TOS.

No, Roblox only lets you get a player’s Username and Country. If you managed to even find a way it would break their Privacy Policy so it’s not like you could use that.

How would it break their Privacy Policy?

Because the Privacy Policy says Developers on know your Username and Country and nothing else about you.

Oh, okay. It’s just because I feel like that would stop exploiters going on alts, vpns, etc. No one is going to spend hundreds of bucks just to bypass a ban

I don’t even think Roblox uses HWID since if they did I would imagine they would have implemented into their bans a long time ago. And I would imagine it to be much more mainstream if it was possible.

I think they used to or still do, though it won’t be common

HWID bans can be easily bypassed with HWID spoofing.

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Unfortunately there is no known way to IP or hardware ban a user from your game, such action would be in violation of COPPA and Roblox’s ToS for collecting information on most users “mostly <13”

However you can ban a specific user’s accountID:

if game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId == ‘000’ then – Replace with the user you want to ban
game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick(‘’) – MSG
end – Place in a localscript


This is no way, shape or form is an effective solution to use to implement banning since everything is being done on the client, also the solution just does not make sense on a whole, do not use this for banning people please.

Virtual machines are a thing and people use them to bypass hardware bans. Infact, there’s tools for windows and linux that can change the HWID of your current machine if I am not mistaken. HWID bans are as easily bypassable as IP bans if you got the knowledge and tools. And they’re free (or cheap) as well.

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Really? I heard that changing your HWID can have punishments like Windows locking you out saying ‘you need to activate windows’, your computer not booting, etc

I don’t think COPPA cares if someone got an under 13 year old child’s hardware id. Besides, doesn’t Fortnite do that all the time when they ban users?

I doubt there’s a way to get that information from a user through a script on Roblox. Even if they don’t state it Roblox may still consider it a privacy violation if there is.

What you are asking is already similar to a thread that blew up yesterday, made it to 150+ posts of people arguing over anti-exploits and game security, then got locked by the moderators.

If you use a VM you generally use a cracked version or don’t care about the activation thing anyways, it doesn’t limit much other than customization.

It was possible for games to “mark” PCs by using UserGameSettings.RCCProfilerRecordFrameRate/ RCCProfilerRecordTimeFrame, which big games such as Phantom Forces used but Roblox removed it months ago since it probably violated some policy.

@Dysche I don’t think people will install new software, a new OS, the client, exploits, etc just to bypass a ban

I heard of a guy who got a hwid ban actually (or claims he did) though you can’t hwid ban from a specific game sadly, that would be very helpful though, I think this is a very very rare case though and most likely will never happen to even the worst offenders unless they break federal law etc.

I don’t know what Roblox is capable of, but developers certainly can’t identify users by their hardware or IP addresses. If they could, it should be against the rules anyway.

Roblox does hwid ban, but there are very few cases, I can’t see how knowing somebody’s hwid could possibly be harmful and give me access to any of their personal info in any way, so I don’t see why it would be against the rules, at worst I would know what store their device was bought at.