my game breaks if there is any rthro characters so is there a way that I can make it so that every player has the blocky avatar on r15?
try this:
place this in starter character scripts
local function BundleRemover(char)
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local dc = hum:GetAppliedDescription()
dc.Head = 0
dc.LeftArm = 0
dc.RightArm = 0
dc.LeftLeg = 0
dc.RightLeg = 0
dc.Torso = 0
Yes. In studio, look around the play button. You should see a setting button, push that and go to avatar, then select r15 and save it.
if you put the blocky R15 model in StarterPlayer
and name the model StarterCharacter
then everyone will use the same character model
here is more information
Game Settings > Avatar > R6 > Publish
If you read the post carefully OP is asking for R15 not R6
He’s not being very descriptive. What am I supposed to do with a few words?
Go to Home Tab > GameSettings > Avatar and edit the player character to your liking. No Scripting is required.
The home tab
In game settings
Avatar, Classic Scale
Also, not the best category as this isn’t about Scripting
well, I have tried something like that but it doesn’t prevent rthro