Is there a way to have multiple grass colors?

if possible, i would like multiple shades of this grass color

also while im at it, how do i update my avatar icon?

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This is not possible. (You can change the color of grass game-wide, but not on a per-voxel basis. If that makes sense.)

I’m sure there’s a feature request and/or some form of response by Roblox staff on that. It’s a technical limitation, but you can now change grass height, so I don’t doubt Roblox could add something eventually for multiple grass colors.

I’m assuming you’re talking about your avatar icon on the developer forum. For this, try logging out of the devforum and logging back in.


If that doesn’t work, log out of both your devforum account and your Roblox account, and log back into both.

Can’t remember which right now, but the question has been asked on the forum before.

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OK, thanks. I also can’t mark this as a solution for some reason.

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