Is there a way to insert assets into a game that's not yours through a script?

Hi, so I was wondering if there’s a way to add a script to a game that’s not yours (I’m doing this for a ‘rental’ where I want to give someone a model but not actually let them have it to edit) I understand this probably isn’t possible but I just thought I’d ask out of interest.

Thanks :happy1:

If that was possible then someone could still use it to steal the model anyway.


No, you can’t.
As Blokav said.
You can only insert yours or in your inventory with;

for _, obj in ipairs(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://---")) do
   obj.Parent = workspace

you need to own the model before using InsertService:LoadAsset, not the case with game:GetObjects .

Edit: Yes obviously the model needs to be open source (available on the website in the library with copying allowed) or no one can get it other than the owner, in the first place.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

Also worth noting that GetObjects only works in the command bar and the model still has to be open-source.

Unfortunately, for some reason InsertService does not allow you to use asset IDs that are not in your inventory or not yours. I tried that months ago and it always returned a familiar error message every time I tried that.

This is possible- yet is pretty hard to do without experience.

You can probably use HTTPService along with your own hosting to create a bot that purchases a model whenever it is told to.
Then you can just insert the asset with InsertService, because you own it.

This does have a lot of security vulnerabilities, for instance, someone could load a backdoor into your game with this.

FE2 AFAIK uses this to allow you to use your own map inside vip servers.