I want to know whether a system I can implement might be more performance efficient than a built-in function/object or not. And to know this, I need to know how that function/object operates behind the scenes.
For example, do we know how ClickDetector works behind the scenes, does Roblox share this information?
Does it cast a ray to know if the player is hovering over the object, and check the player’s distance to the object every frame?
If so, If I use the exact same code to achieve the same result, would Roblox’s built-in function would still be more performance efficient, because it works not on Lua but on C++?
More precisely
I currently want to make a distance detection, and I thought of two ways of implementing this;
Use ProximityPrompt’s PromptShown event to detect when the player gets close.
Check the distance between the player and every interactable object every heartbeat
Now, the second method is more flexible and optimizable. Like finding the closest interactables every X interval and only checking the distance of those objects from the player.
But do I really need to go into all that trouble for optimizing, or the ProximityPrompt already does a good job at keeping massive amounts of objects optimized?
This example can be used for most other objects/functions. So I request a more general answer rather than a direct answer to this example I gave.