Is there a way to 'loop' between properties?

Basically, I want to make a character system, all works fine, but I have to paint character
Is there a way to loop between this properties?
And change all to a color?

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So, you can store the property names in a table like this, and since you’re setting them all to the same color, you can use an array instead of a dictionary:

local prop = {"HeadColor3", "LeftArmColor3"} --etc.
local color = Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 50) --or your color

Then, just loop through them and call the property name on the object using []:

for i, v in pairs(prop) do --or ipairs ONLY for arraays

    object[v] = color


Do keep in mind that your object has two ways to set the color: either using a BrickColor or Color3, you can modify this to meet your choice, but you get the overall idea.

Hope that helps!


Use the HumanoidDescription.

includes the ability to set colors for certain parts under the character, e.g HeadColor, LeftArmColor.