Is there a way to make a multicolored system message or use chatmakesystemmessage

I know there is a topic about this but I don’t understand the new speaker part. Could someone please explain this to me

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Hi! As you know you have to set the core “ChatMakeSystemMessage”. You can do this via

game.StarterGui:SetCore('ChatMakeSystemMessage', {Arguments})

Put it in a localscript and have it fire a message whenever you want. Here is a guide to what to put in the Arguments section:

 Text = "Your Text Here",
 Color = Color3.FromRGB(0,0,0) -- Change to your color of choice,
 Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
 TextSize = 18,

For more info, check out this resource: StarterGui | Roblox Creator Documentation

Please mark as solution if this helped :+1:

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But I want the message to be multicolored

I dont think you can do that. You can only change the color of the speaker and the color of the text. That is it

how to change the speaker color

pretty outdated but for anyone wondering how to do this, you would need to edit the Chat GUI which is automatically replicated to client when you join and you would need to edit the chat module to make new textlabels have rich text enabled. after this is enabled you can achieve multiple different colored chars on a single instance. Rich Text Markup | Roblox Creator Documentation

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