Is there a way to make physics server-dependent for low-end users only?

I am currently creating and running a monorail driving game.
My monorail is a system that motors the hinges and rotates the tires to drive, but some low end mobile/PC users are having problems getting regular speeds.
I can imagine that this is probably due to slow physical throttling, but I can’t think of a solution.
I have even stopped using hinge motors and used LinearVelocity, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.
My monorail model streaming currently has user dependent physics, can I change it to server dependent for low end users only?

If you’re concerned with someone’s monorail having physics that are slightly behind, then just check their ping, and if it’s low enough, make their monorail use network ownership so that the physics are calculated on client, but if their ping is too high, just give network ownership back to the server.

Or if your monorails are automatically assigned network ownership to their owners, and that’s the issue, just set network ownership back to the server. If they aren’t automatically assigned network ownership, then the slow speeds could be because of their ping being too high, and if that’s the case, you should actually give them network ownership to see if it helps.

We tested this by giving network ownership to both the server and the client, and found no change.
It seems that we need to reexamine the possibility of extremely poor client-side specs.

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Ah okay, I see.

I’m not sure what else you could try if neither client nor server physics calculations work out. So, I got nothing :sob:
Hope you find a solution somehow, though!

Although Roblox is a 3D game, it is much lighter than other Unity applications.
However, a 3D game is still a 3D game, so it must be played on a device with adequate specifications.
I hope for the advancement of the times.
Thanks for the advice!

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