Hello! Ive been working on a tool to read moon animator 2(An animation plugin for roblox) save files, So with the work of understanding how it reads and stores its data through instances I was able to already code tools to read this data and find keyframes and intrepret them.
Why not just export the animation?, Because objects animated such as Enabled properties, Camera CFrame, Brightness, Material do not get exported in any way, So my tool can play all of these running in game I plan on using this for cutscenes so i just animate them entirely on moon animator 2 and use 0 scripting or keyframe reached events.
So heres the deal, Currently I am planning on making tweens that play at a certain frame (Using delta time, Yes this tool only runs localy) of the “Cutscene track timeline”, and I calculate their duration using math and Frames from current to Next KeyFrame, But I have figured out this might not be a convenient solution as it needs to run the tweens and calculate them live,
So is there a way I can run a tween and see everytime they have changed an objects property or run this tween and get every single number?, for example it got from interpolating a CFrame and then store all of these values and run them using delta time by 60 Frames per second this way I can pre render all the CFrames it creates and play them individually by frame.
This is a tricky problem and I dont think theres really solution for this but I wanted to see everyone’s ideas, I could do the interpolation calculations myself but I dont know what math formula roblox uses for all the different easing styles and easing direction.
I don’t know what a moon animator is, so I’m pretty confused by your question.
Are you just asking “how do I sample a tween at arbitrary points without actually playing it?”
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Well if sampling the tween at arbitrary points without playing it means, getting all the values it will get to change and apply them all over time to achieve whats called interpolation, then yes!
Also moon animator 2 is a popular roblox tool, designed by xsixx, its like the roblox animator that comes with studio but has more features and can animate multiple rigs at the same time, has more features, and can also animate objects without them having to be rigs, also it can animate properties, You can play these animations on studio preview mode but not in game, what im trying to do is get these animations to play in game.
Edit: You can also export animations but only rig animations for characters, not the objects since those arent animation objects that a Humanoid’s animator reads.
So, what, this animator plugin lets you animate properties of objects but provides no way to actually play back those animations in game? And you’re trying to reverse engineer the plugin to fix that problem?
Also I think you should be able to look at the source of the plugin directly: How to inspect the source of plugins might save you some effort
Thanks I didnt thought of checking how the plugin did the frames and stuff, although this isnt my answer to what i asked for I can rip out the math formulas moon 2 uses and see if I can implement them into my tool.
To also clarify im not trying to steal the plugin or anything im just gonna look at how it works to see if I can implement some of its features into my reader and give credits.