Is there a way to prevent offset rotation on an attachment?

I have been attempting to make a VR locomotion system similar to Boneworks that uses a sphere at the feet that rolls around to move the character.
On its own it works fine but when I add the second sphere that is used to prevent bouncing off of walls, I cant seem to get the second sphere to keep its offset from the locomotion sphere. When I test it, the second stays attached the locomotion sphere but rolls with it when I want it to stay above the locomotion sphere all while still being able to rotate on its own.

I am also using attachments and AlignPosition for this system.

image (The red sphere is the locomotion ball and the yellow ball is the second fender ball.)

image (This is what happens when I apply angular velocity to the locomotion sphere.)

I would like to know how I could prevent this from happening and have the yellow ball stay offset above the red ball whilst still allowing both of them to rotate.