Is there a way to preview idle animations?

I want to see the preview of what would my animation be like before I place it into a seat, and by previewing I mean being able to see the dummy while I move it to fit the seat properly. I think there is a way other than just running the game and checking whether it fits but it’s a tad bit time-consuming.

(Ability to preview the animation while I make it fit into the mesh)

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I’d say moving a Dummy model onto where the Player will attach to when sitting -

From this, I mean - Create a Weld when the Player interacts, attaching the Player to the seat.

Open the animation editor and move to Dummy into the position the Player will be sitting and animate accordingly.

So I just add the weld which will then show this?

Well I somewhat found a way. Apparently running the game and using the seat to provoke the animation works in-game and by using the move tool I can place the seat where I would like it to be without not seeing what would the placement look like, only issue I ran into is that once I’ve stopped the game the placements do not save.

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I’ve managed to find a solution to this as well as to this topic. I can actually head to Test and start a server with the amount of players that I wish to put in (in cases such as doing 2=1 idle animations I’d run 2 players instead of 1). I was able to make live changes on the server while also being able to preview the character. Though as mentioned before I was unable to save my placements upon saving the game, I am able to now by saving the file on the server and the placements saved as expected.

server = A new tab using Studio will open named server

Hoped this will help other people when they wish to preview their vibe animations for their game!