Is there a way to remove my age verification

what if i wanted to remove my age verification and change my age or remove my id from my account

could i do that


You currently can’t do that. If you want to “change” your age, you definetly used someone’s else id or willing to do so, wouldn’t make sense to exist in general.


Can’t you request them to delete your personal data or something?

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Wont that also delete your account?

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I dunno, I hope not. Either way why would you want to remove it?

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Age ID Verification FAQs

Q: My verified age is incorrect. How do I fix this?
A: Please contact Customer Support if you wish to update your age after ID verification


I’ve just had a 10 email thread with Roblox Support telling me they can’t fix it.


If their FAQ is not true, you should ask them for an explanation


I asked what I was supposed to do to get the problem fixed and they responded with this:

We’re sorry but we’re unable to provide you with any further information or response regarding this inquiry. We encourage you to review the previous information sent to you as we have provided you with all that we can at this time.

This has happened in multiple support tickets as well. Once I asked for which community guideline I broke when I was voice suspended for a week and I got that same copy and paste response. Current state of Roblox support is a huge mess.


Isnt that kinda dumb? Because I want to remove my ID from roblox so they wouldnt have it, i dont understand why that would delete my account.


I hope they make it clearer in the future. I understand this is a beta feature, but it’s still pretty weird.