Is there a way to remove packages from R15?

I have a script to remove packages but it only seems to work on R6, not R15 and I wanted to do something with an R15 character which I wanted the blocky version for, can someone help please?

Can you share the details of the script here? It likely only references the relevant parts of an R6 character.

This one is for R6 (unless you can somehow get it to work on r15)

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

repeat wait() until player.Character:FindFirstChild("CharacterMesh")

for i,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do

if v.Name == "CharacterMesh" then




So will this work on R15 then? If so am I doing smt wrong

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

	for _,v in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("CharacterMesh") then

This will execute whenever a CharacterAdded event is fired (when a player first spawns or later respawns as the result of resetting/dying). Copy and paste this code into a local script inside the StarterPlayerScripts folder.

Doesn’t remove the packages though on R15

I have no idea what you mean by packages. I assume you mean you need a way to reset and find the mesh in a character when they have one and destroy it. If you are trying to do this with an R15 then that would be impossible for R15 body parts is not made of a Part, it is made of a MeshPart so instead of looking for a mesh inside it and destroying it, set the MeshId to something.
If this is kind of what you are talking about and want more help I can elaborate, If this is not the case then I am not too sure.

R15 characters don’t have any CharacterMeshes within them. The packages are split up like this, seen in this diagram here:

In other words, the r6 characters use CharacterMeshes to visually change the shape of the arms, legs etc. Its similar to how you insert a SpecialMesh into an object.

R15 however, all of the limbs have their own properties for the meshID. This is known as a MeshPart. As for making them blocky, I have no clue how this would be done but I just wanted to clear up the confusion on why the script won’t work.

TLDR: If you are R15, you have no character mesh instances in the character.