Hello, developers.
So, I have this baseball game and I need help on something pretty simple, I’d say. Below is a video of my problem. I don’t want to pick up the ball while I have my bat out, but I want to be able to pick it up if I don’t have a bat.
Also, the bat and ball are both tools.
Please help and thank you.
Try locally removing the touch interest
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Didn’t work; I still picked it up.
Try to locally setting enabled to false
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This script should work, put it on StarterCharacterScripts
local character = script.Parent
local p = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
if ch:IsA("Tool") then
for _, c in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if c:IsA("Tool") and c ~= ch then
ch.Parent = p.Backpack
It basically moves the ball to the backpack if there is already a tool out.
I don’t want it to be moved to the backpack, though. I just want it to stay in the workspace where it is.
Change ch.Parent = p.Backpack
to ch.Parent = workspace
If you are still unsatisfied i suggest not making the ball a tool.
And instead putting the viewmodel of the tool and storing the original tool on ServerStorage and a touch script so it gives you the original tool (with checks)