Is there a way to tell how many people are in a Roblox server from another sever?

To put it simply, is there a way to read the current number of players who are currently in a Roblox game server from another external game server (within the same universe)?


There’s no built-in way, unfortunately.

If you want to do something like that, you could use DataStores or an external web server.


How? I mean wouldn’t that cause problems with Limits?

DataStore is per minute, so updating once per minute wouldn’t be an issue for something of this scale. HTTP requests per minute is 500, too.

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You are right, just once a Minute wouldn’t hurt, why didn’t I think of that :thinking:

I would go for

seems like a better option but I have no idea how to set that up, is there a Thread teaching about that somewhere in the Dev Forum?

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Don’t think, so although Google Spreadsheets has free web app hosting (for the spreadsheet of course). Since the only real data needed for this at all is a number, you can simply save a number in the memory of the web app (or in the spreadsheet itself). A better option might be to save each server’s data (server ID, num players) to a row, just note the cell limit.

There are a few third-party tutorials here, but I don’t think they’re in the context of google sheets.

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There’s not. I have suggested it many times as a necessity for proper match-making.


As said above, unfortunately there isn’t. I would use HttpService, but there are also those universe scripts that are on the roadmap for 4th quarter. Those can’t come quick enough!

This was a key use case presented at RDC by Berezaa for the upcoming ‘Universe Scripts’ feature. If you do t wanna use a web server or DataStores, your best bet is to wait for that feature release.


You can have all servers poll in their player counts to an external server that you own, then you can get a list back from that server and allow you to display for each server how many players it has.

I implemented this for Reason 2 Die (, check that out for an example of such a server list. The monthly cost for maintaining such a server is trivial.

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This is the best way to do it, and storing such data is not hard as you can store each player’s player count under the server’s game.JobId, then fetch it using the same game.JobId.

We do this in Zombie Blitz. You can check out our server list and how we set it up in-game. However, we do use an external web service called Google Firebase. It is completely free until you hit a monthly quota.

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could this help?