So I know that you can fire a RemoteEvent about 20 times per second. But let’s say that one RemoteEvent goes beyond the limit and because of that, doesn’t fire. Is there a way I can get a call back showing that it didn’t fire so I can then write additional code based on that, or will the RemoteEvent just stay in queue and wait until the server has enough memory to fire? So basically, is there a way to know if the RemoteEvent has fired or not fired because of the memory limit?
Only thing I can thing of is just printing something whenever the event is fired and checking if the number of prints match the amount of times you fired it. Might be some backend thing but no property I know of detects when it’s fired sorry.
But will the RemoteEvent queue if the limit is reached, and when its turn will automatically fire? Or if the limit is surpassed, simply cancel the call and not fire at all?
RemoteEvents are usually pretty reliable and will even eat up performance in order to finish running their que (in my experience correct me if i’m wrong). So I don’t think they will be cancelled like a script timeout error. They even made the UnreliableRemoteEvent for less important functions that you can afford to fail a few times.
Okay, thank you for your answer. If they are queued then it should be fine as long as there aren’t too many requests, which I think won’t be a problem. Also, I think I can create a global variable that counts how many times the Event has fired per second and manage it through code. Hopefully that works.
Is this for anti-cheat? Because if you are checking for OnServerEvent: the player argument is passed automatically like so:
print(player.Name.." fired the event")
From there you can manage the player in a debounce table or so and see if they are spamming the event.
Sorry if I am making a dumb reply. I just somehow didn’t know about that for like a year and passed in two player arguments, so I don’t want anyone else repeating that mistake. Anyways good luck on your code!
I just wanted to know in case that is what occurs in my game since I am going to be potentially using a lot of RemoteEvents. I can’t say why otherwise that its for my current game i’m working on. Thanks.