Is there a way to tween CameraSubject property?

I was working on a Camera manipulation script and I needed to tween Camera from a Part to Player. Unfortunately, when I wanna tween CameraSubject Property, I get following error:

TweenService:Create property named 'CameraSubject' cannot be tweened due to type mismatch (property is a 'Object', but given type is 'Instance')

Here’s my code:

TweenService:Create(Camera,, {CameraSubject = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid}, true):Play()

Will appreciate any help! Thanks.

u cant tween it since its an object value

u can tehnically change the camera to scriptable and tween it to the humanoird root part
or change the camera subject to a part and tween the part position to the character root part


Thanks, I was thinking about it before and I was right!