(ETA: Made a feature request in the meantime.)
I’ve noticed lately that any avatar I create without using an idle animation defaults to the Rthro idle animation instead of the stock R15 animation (figure 1). The current avatar I made which seems to have had its image cached and therefore uses the stock idle was created before this silent update was applied (figure 2). I’d like to have the same idle in figure 2 applied to all my R15 avatars.
This behaviour is inconsistent in-experience as well. Although new avatars on the website use the Rthro idle if using the R15 body type without an idle selected, in-experience if you don’t have an idle animation picked it will use the stock R15 idle animation, meaning the website misrepresents the in-game state. Furthermore, the Rthro animations are already offered as a bundle to those who want to use it, so I don’t see what the point is in overriding the R15 stock animations for standard R15.
(Figure 1)
(Figure 2)