For example if I wanted to find the first Part in a Model which has its Transparency set to a certain value, is there a function like game.Workspace.Model:FindFirstChildOfWhich( “Transparency = 1” ) ? Or would I just have to just go through all of them with a in pairs loop?
You would have to iterate. The built-in ‘find’ functions can only search by name and class.
As the first respondent kindly says, you’ll have to iterate through. If you’re not sure what that means, it means:
use a “for i,v inpairs(your model here)” loop to iterate through the parts of the model,
then have a nested “for i,v inpairs(each part, or v above, will go here)” loop that iterates through the properties of each of those parts, searching for “Transparency”.
(oof derp)
I don’t think you can iterate through an object’s properties, but all you would have to do is only examine items of a desired class, since only certain types of instances have a transparency property.
I’m assuming you are searching for bricks that have transparency, so you would filter items that extend the ‘BasePart’ class:
local function findFirstChildThatIsInvisible(model)
for _, item in ipairs(model:GetChildren()) do
if (item:IsA("BasePart") and item.Transparency == 1) then
return item
Some other classes, like decals, particle effects, and gui objects also have a Transparency property, which is why I checked that the item is a part in the function.
Ah. My bad, I should have tried it before suggesting it. Thanks for cleaning that up for me
(oof derp)