Is there a way to weld a part to another part that is currently being tweened?

Hello, today I’ve ran in to an issue. I’m tweening a part’s position and while it’s being tweened I’m trying to weld another part to it. I made the “another” part unanchored, however when I do this process my “another” part is stuck in the same place even though it’s been welded to the part using “WeldConstraint”. Is this a engine bug or a feature? If any of you know how to resolve this issue, please let me know! Thanks! :slight_smile:

It works for me, I am able to tween parts with other parts connected.

Check out my reply on this post, in the example place, the doors are tweening the inner frame, while the rest of the door parts are using a weld constraint to stay connected.

The “cake” is anchored. The brown thing isn’t. Everything is welded.

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Can you show the code where you are actually creating the weld for the icing to be on the cake?


And can you show the code where the cake is being tweened along the conveyor?

The reason I ask, is that I am trying to duplicate this to see if I get the same results or if I can see a way to prevent the icing from sticking

If you use CFrame to tween instead of position it would drag the unanchored welded part with it:


@VegetationBush is correct, you need to use CFrame instead of Position
Good catch.

I got it working, but only after I turned Frosting to massless


Cake and Conveyor.rbxl (38.6 KB)

I got it working as well, thanks for your help.

No problem, best of luck on your project.

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